Brush and skim your pool at least once per week. And be sure to get to all the hard to reach spots, like behind the ladder, the corners, and stairs
After a good brush and skimming, follow up with a thorough vacuum to get the remaining debris on the pool floor. Vacuum at least once a week, but twice is even better.
Chemical Treatment and Testing
With regular pool use, you should test and balance your water at least once per week. This will prevent any major chemical level drops or spikes from taking place.
Pool Shock
Shock your pool once per week. But to keep your chemical levels in check consistently, be sure to shock your pool after heavy swims or pool parties.
Pool Pump
Your pool pump may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think “pool maintenance”. But it may be the most important part of this all. Because it’s your pool pump that keeps your water circulating. Which allows water to regularly filter and chemicals to evenly distributed.
Run your pool pump at least 8 hours a day (preferably at night).